Independent Reading Reflections
I think it is unfair that Hermia can't choose to marry whomever she wants, and that her father is not understanding of her feelings for Lysander and lack, thereof, for Demetrius. Shakespeare is a little hard to interpret at times, and seems to get a little long winded, but besides that, the play is quite enjoyable. I think Theseus to be pompous and arrogant, considering himself a God of sorts and I think that wrong of him. Helena is crazy and stalkerish, maybe it's because of the deprication she has faced from Demetrius. I do not understand why Demetrius still chases after Hermia if it is not him that she loves.
After Class Reading Reflection
Helena and Demetrius had some sort of sexual relationship in the past and that is why she feels the need to follow him around and try to force her love on him. Demetrius is a decieving youth with little morals to go on. Why Egeus thinks him suitable for Hermia is still escapes me. And why Helena can't just move on and find someone better is even more of a wonder. Time will only tell the answers.
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