Independent Reflection
Bottom is really obnoxious in saying he is the best actor there, he keeps putting down his castmates, and that doesn't show good character. I believe Shakespeare wants us to think him an ass and hence, he is cursed with an ass's head. How is it though that he doesn't know his head had been transformed? The act all in all was quite funny. Titania falls in love with Bottom just as Oberon wanted. Bottom starts acting ridiculously (not surprisingly) and we come to figure out one of his other traits: he always thinks he is right- he believes that a man should play the part of the wall and that they should introduce themselves in order not to scare the women in the audience and steadfastly believes there is no other way. My biggest question though, is how come he calls the fairies master if they are clearly women?
After Class Reading Reflection
Bottom has fallen in love wiht Titania and tries to impress her and her train with fancy words that just make him seem like an idiot, though Titania doesn't think so because her beter judgement has been fogged by the love potion's spell. Because Titania has falsely fallen in love with Bottom, she wants to keep him and make him into a fairy if possible.
In Athens, the women are treated as property with no value. With the faires Titania and Oberon are equal rulers, however Titania depicts Shakespeare's view of women: evil, bossy and gullible.
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