Thursday, June 3, 2010
Works Cited
Act V Artistic Rendering

This picture is significant to A Midsummer Night's Dream because following one's heart was a moftif throughout the play. No matter if the characters were intoxicated by the love-juice bestowed upon their eyes, or it their actions and decisions were of their own choice, they always followed and were persistant in what they believed to be right.
Act V Connections

1. The movie Hercules is similar to the play. In the movie, at the end, Hercules has a decision to make: should he follow the rules of the living- that once you are dead, you cannot return to Earth- or, should he follow his heart. Hercules follows his heart which turns out to be the right decision and grants him his dream of returning to Mount Olympus to live with his parents and the Gods once more. However, Hercules chose love over official godly glory and went back to Earth so as to live with his love, Meg for the rest of their lives. In the play, at the end, Theseus is also faced with a similar choice. Should he follow his heart or follow the law? The law states that if a woman disobeys her father in not marrying who she wants him to marry, then she should face punishment as death or sent to a nunnery. Instead, he follows his heart and lets the happily in love couples remain with their respective lovers, and even let's them get married with him and his true love.
2. The movie Beauty and the Beast is also similar to A Midsummer Night's Dream. In the movie, the Prince does something uncharitable and is turned into a beast. The woman who placed the charm upon him told him that he had to find true love by his 21st birthday, or he would forever remain a beast. Things don't look good for him, but in the end, everything turns out perfectly. In the middle of the play, there is confusion amongst the lovers, but at the end of it, everything plays out to be great for everyone and they are all happy.
Act V Quotes
1. "His speech was like a tangled chain: / Nothing impaired, but all disordered." -Theseus of Peter Quince (Scene 1, lines 130-131)
This quote is significant because it shows the reader/audience what they royals and well-offs think of the working class of rude mechanicals. They do not even think of them as worthy or level, they think of them as mixed up and unsure of themselves, but maybe the royals are just too cocky for their own good.
2. "I am sent with broom before, / To sweep the dust behind the door." -Puck (Scene 1, lines 384-385)
This quote is significant because as a reader or member of the audience, we find out one more detail of Puck's duty to Oberon and the royal fairies. He is the one that always cleans up the messes made by the immortals and keeps the messes safely hidden from the mortals, so that they will never suspect a thing to be different than as they know it.
This quote is significant because it shows the reader/audience what they royals and well-offs think of the working class of rude mechanicals. They do not even think of them as worthy or level, they think of them as mixed up and unsure of themselves, but maybe the royals are just too cocky for their own good.
2. "I am sent with broom before, / To sweep the dust behind the door." -Puck (Scene 1, lines 384-385)
This quote is significant because as a reader or member of the audience, we find out one more detail of Puck's duty to Oberon and the royal fairies. He is the one that always cleans up the messes made by the immortals and keeps the messes safely hidden from the mortals, so that they will never suspect a thing to be different than as they know it.
Act V Vocab
1. abridgment: n. pastime (Scene 1, line 43)
Today, most teen's favorite abridgment includes texting, listening to music, or going on facebook.
2. beguile: v. to decieve, or cheat someone (Scene 1, line 44)
The girl beguiled him with her charm into believing lies about his girlfriend.
3. broached: v. stabbed (Scene, line 152)
When they found the movie star, it was too late, he had already been broached in a gruesome knife fight on the streets of London.
4. dole: v. to have sorrow (Scene 1, line 276)
After hearing of their classmate's death, the students doled for the deceased's friends and family.
5. imbrue: v. to stain, especially with blood (Scene 1, line 341)
After the ardous fist fight, his shirt was imbrued with his opponent's blood.
Today, most teen's favorite abridgment includes texting, listening to music, or going on facebook.
2. beguile: v. to decieve, or cheat someone (Scene 1, line 44)
The girl beguiled him with her charm into believing lies about his girlfriend.
3. broached: v. stabbed (Scene, line 152)
When they found the movie star, it was too late, he had already been broached in a gruesome knife fight on the streets of London.
4. dole: v. to have sorrow (Scene 1, line 276)
After hearing of their classmate's death, the students doled for the deceased's friends and family.
5. imbrue: v. to stain, especially with blood (Scene 1, line 341)
After the ardous fist fight, his shirt was imbrued with his opponent's blood.
Act V Questions
1. Is Theseus's reaction to the lover's adventure something you would expect of him?
Theseus's reaction to the lover's adventure is not something you would expect of him. This is because he gave Hermia the options of a nunnery and death, which both seems very harsh on her for just wanting to have the man her heart desires. Because of the ultimatum he gave her, the readers or audience would not expect Theseus to be empathetic of them.
2. Why does Hippolyta initially seem hesitant to watch the play?
Hippolyta initially seemed hesitant to watch the play because of the description Philostrate gives her. She wishes not to see the wretchedness and goriness of the 'happily tragical serious comedy'.
3. Why does Snug, who plays the Lion, make a fuss about proclaiming his true identity?
Snug makes a fuss about proclaiming his identity. He does this so as not to scare the sensitive ladies in the audience.
4. In reading the play-within-a-play, we become the audience for the drama played out by Theseus, Hippolyta, and the others. These performers, in turn, form the audience for the reenactment of Pyramus and Thisbe. How does observing another audience help you understand the relationship between audience and performers?
While watching the audience watch a play, we notice many things about the audience and the performers through their actions. Of Theseus we note that, though he did his noble deed of letting the lovers stay together and getting married with him and Hippolyta, he often cuts in during the dialect of the play, furthur showing the reader/audience his arrogance-the fact that he just assumes that everything will halt at his wish. Of the rude mechanicals, we notice their skittishness- how they act in the play and how they answer to Theseus's commentary shows us all this. And of the lovers and Hippolyta, we see their subservientness to Theseus- he often interrupts the play, but they do not speak unto he does, or until spoken to, especially the women, who do not speak until their significant other speaks to them.
5. How does the theme of love's difficulty occur throughout the play? Explain.
In Act I Lysander said, "the course of true love never did run smooth". This we know now, was a foreshadow for the play later on. Most of the conflict in the play stems from romantic troubles and though the play involves many romantic elements, it is not exactly a true love story. The theme of love's difficulty quite often shown through the motif of love out of balance or a distraction in a romantic relationship. The most prevalent people we see this happen to are the four young adults: Hermia, Helena, Lysander, and Demetrius- Hermia loves Lysander and Lysander loves Hermia, but Demetrius also loves Hermia, and Hermia does not love Demetrius, but Helena loves Demetrius though his love is not returned. Throughout the play, these relationships become skewed, from love-juice placed upon some of the character's eyes, until things are set right with Hermia and Lysander loving each other and Helena and Demetrius loving each other. Something similar happens to Oberon and Titania in the fact that Oberon places the love-juice on Titania's eyes so that any love she has for him will diminish and in turn she will fall in love with a beast so that he can aquire the changeling boy they had previously argued about. This shows the imbalance of Oberon's love for Titania- his want of the Indian boy outweighed his love of his wife. The matter of Titania loving the ass-headed Bottom also represents an imbalance of apperance and nature in the fact that she is beautiful, graceful and immortal, and Bottom is grotesque, clumsy and mortal.
Theseus's reaction to the lover's adventure is not something you would expect of him. This is because he gave Hermia the options of a nunnery and death, which both seems very harsh on her for just wanting to have the man her heart desires. Because of the ultimatum he gave her, the readers or audience would not expect Theseus to be empathetic of them.
2. Why does Hippolyta initially seem hesitant to watch the play?
Hippolyta initially seemed hesitant to watch the play because of the description Philostrate gives her. She wishes not to see the wretchedness and goriness of the 'happily tragical serious comedy'.
3. Why does Snug, who plays the Lion, make a fuss about proclaiming his true identity?
Snug makes a fuss about proclaiming his identity. He does this so as not to scare the sensitive ladies in the audience.
4. In reading the play-within-a-play, we become the audience for the drama played out by Theseus, Hippolyta, and the others. These performers, in turn, form the audience for the reenactment of Pyramus and Thisbe. How does observing another audience help you understand the relationship between audience and performers?
While watching the audience watch a play, we notice many things about the audience and the performers through their actions. Of Theseus we note that, though he did his noble deed of letting the lovers stay together and getting married with him and Hippolyta, he often cuts in during the dialect of the play, furthur showing the reader/audience his arrogance-the fact that he just assumes that everything will halt at his wish. Of the rude mechanicals, we notice their skittishness- how they act in the play and how they answer to Theseus's commentary shows us all this. And of the lovers and Hippolyta, we see their subservientness to Theseus- he often interrupts the play, but they do not speak unto he does, or until spoken to, especially the women, who do not speak until their significant other speaks to them.
5. How does the theme of love's difficulty occur throughout the play? Explain.
In Act I Lysander said, "the course of true love never did run smooth". This we know now, was a foreshadow for the play later on. Most of the conflict in the play stems from romantic troubles and though the play involves many romantic elements, it is not exactly a true love story. The theme of love's difficulty quite often shown through the motif of love out of balance or a distraction in a romantic relationship. The most prevalent people we see this happen to are the four young adults: Hermia, Helena, Lysander, and Demetrius- Hermia loves Lysander and Lysander loves Hermia, but Demetrius also loves Hermia, and Hermia does not love Demetrius, but Helena loves Demetrius though his love is not returned. Throughout the play, these relationships become skewed, from love-juice placed upon some of the character's eyes, until things are set right with Hermia and Lysander loving each other and Helena and Demetrius loving each other. Something similar happens to Oberon and Titania in the fact that Oberon places the love-juice on Titania's eyes so that any love she has for him will diminish and in turn she will fall in love with a beast so that he can aquire the changeling boy they had previously argued about. This shows the imbalance of Oberon's love for Titania- his want of the Indian boy outweighed his love of his wife. The matter of Titania loving the ass-headed Bottom also represents an imbalance of apperance and nature in the fact that she is beautiful, graceful and immortal, and Bottom is grotesque, clumsy and mortal.
Act V Scene I

After Class Reading Reflections
The lovers wed and it is implied that they all live 'happily ever after'. They watch the play put on by the rude mechanicals and often interrupt to commentate. All in all, the play performed is asinine and supercilious, which Hippolyta makes known. After the mortals have all retired, the immortals take to the dance floor, and Puck makes a little closing speech. At the end of his dialect he leaves the audience thinking that maybe the play itself was nothing but a dream and leaves many questions unanswered...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Act IV Artistic Rendering

This picture of a dreaming girl is significant to the play from a couple different perspectives. What goes on in our subconscious when we are dreaming or day dreaming is based off of what has happened during our day or recently when we were conscience. Dreams are said to be a way to replay for us what happened in consciousness, but often times they have an unrealness to them. Most of the time, we don't even remember what we dream of, but when we do, it tends to be something that sticks with you, if not forever, then for quite a while. This is similar to A Midsummer Night's Dream because in the play, all the characters who get the love-juice placed on their eyes are magically transformed, not only in their affections, but also in their mannerisms. When they wake up after having the antidote placed on their eyes, they think of their actions as nothing but a dream. Titania remembered her actions with Bottom, but Lysander and Demetrius's memories were slightly clouded when it came to what happened in the woods after the love-juice was placed on their eyes. This is just an example of how the effects of dreams work on different people.
Act IV Real Life Connections

1. The movie Sleeping Beauty is similar to A Midsummer Night's Dream. This is because in the movie, the fairies make everyone in the castle fall asleep until the princess waskes up. When they finally do wake up, everyone thinks that everything that had previously happened was just a dream. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, when Titania wakes up, she believes she had a frightful dream in which she loved an ass, and immediately takes to Oberon in a way that the reader and audience never saw of her do earlier in the play.
2. The song "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" is significant to A Midsummer Night's Dream. This is because this song is used to congratulate someone for something they have done. Once Bottom returns, the rude mechanicals that he is acting alongside are overjoyed to see him, for the time they previusly saw him, he had the head of an ass, so they probably assumed that a beast overtook him, but he conquered it.
Act IV Quotes
1. "My Oberon! What visions have I seen! / Methought I was enamored of an ass!" -Titania to Oberon (Scene 1, lines 75-76)
This quote is significant because it shows the readers how when the victims of the love-juice wake up, they believe it all to have been a dream and can't believe what they went through.
2. "May all to Athens back again repair / And think no more of this night's accidents / But as the fierce vexation of a dream." -Oberon (Scene 1, lines 66-68)
This quote is especially significant to the play. This quote explains to the readers or audience why the victims feel as though they have had a most peculiar dream when they wake up after having the love-juice put on their eyes.
This quote is significant because it shows the readers how when the victims of the love-juice wake up, they believe it all to have been a dream and can't believe what they went through.
2. "May all to Athens back again repair / And think no more of this night's accidents / But as the fierce vexation of a dream." -Oberon (Scene 1, lines 66-68)
This quote is especially significant to the play. This quote explains to the readers or audience why the victims feel as though they have had a most peculiar dream when they wake up after having the love-juice put on their eyes.
Act IV Vocab
1. discourse: n. conversation (Scene 1,line 182)
The Bush Administration was in discourse with the public over it's Iraq strategy.
2. enmity: n. hostility (Scene 1,line 151)
The enmity in his eyes was so great, I thought I could die just from looking at him.
3. paragon: n. model of perfection (Scene 2,line 13)
She was a paragon for the painting he had always dreamed of making.
4. amiable: adj. lovable, lovely (Scene 1, line 2)
She brown hair and rosy cheeks looked amiable in the snow covered forest.
5. upbraid: to reprimand somebody (Scene 1, line 49)
The principal upbraided the boys for leaving school property during school hours without permission
The Bush Administration was in discourse with the public over it's Iraq strategy.
2. enmity: n. hostility (Scene 1,line 151)
The enmity in his eyes was so great, I thought I could die just from looking at him.
3. paragon: n. model of perfection (Scene 2,line 13)
She was a paragon for the painting he had always dreamed of making.
4. amiable: adj. lovable, lovely (Scene 1, line 2)
She brown hair and rosy cheeks looked amiable in the snow covered forest.
5. upbraid: to reprimand somebody (Scene 1, line 49)
The principal upbraided the boys for leaving school property during school hours without permission
Act IV Questions
1. How does Theseus's current decision regarding Hermia and Lysander contradict his earlier statement?
In the beginning, Theseus told Hermia that if she did not do as her father wished and marry Demetrius, she would be forced to live forever at a nunnery, or face death. After hearing Lysander and Demetrius's stories and seeing that Demetrius truly did not love Hermia anymore, having eyes only for Helena, Theseus decided that their story was legitimate and decided that the couples could be married to their respective lovers with him and Hippolyta on their wedding day. Theseus probably thought, "Why hold love apart?", him himself having captured the woman he fell in love with so that they could be together forever.
2. How do most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking? Which character is changed permanently by the dream experience?
Most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking up similarily. They all believe that they have just had a dream in which everything they had previously went through when the love-juice was involved was just a wild and exciting dream. Demetrius is the only charcater who was permanently changed by the dream experience- he loved Hermia, but thanks to the love-juice, he now loves Helena forevermore.
3. In this act, several characters look back at prior infatuations with disbelief. What do you think Shakespeare is saying about love and infatuation?
I believe that Shakespeare is trying to demonstrate for the audience/reader how love functions. There is no 'way' of love and it is impossible to understand. It is something that will always be one of the biggest and unsolved mysteries of mankind. In this play, Shakespeare demonstrates that love can change at a blink of an eye with no reason at all expect that the infatuation of the person had changed.
4. The fourth act opens and ends with Bottom at center stage. What is your opinion of Bottom's character? How might he be antithesis, or opposite, of Theseus's character?
Bottom is a character you love to hate. The audience/reader loves to see and read his arrogance and confidence, but hates his arrogance and confidence all the same. Bottom is antithesis of Theseus's character because he always puts himself first and he believes that he is on level with the gods. Also, tells everyone that he is the best actor of the actors assembled, though it is true, he should not need to advertise it, and in doing so, he is also percieved as conceited. The difference with Theseus is that he knows he is a god and doesn't need to advertise it to evveryone.
5. Should the rude mechanicals putting on the play be happy that Nick Bottom has returned or not?
The rude mechanicals putting on the play should not be overjoyed that Bottom has returned. This is because Bottom is cocky and lets everyone know how good he is at everything and eventually it gets old and tiring. Also, Bottom may be the best of the actors assembled to put the play on, however, he is overly dramatic and seems very asinine and if the actors want to win the competition they should keep Bottom out of it.
In the beginning, Theseus told Hermia that if she did not do as her father wished and marry Demetrius, she would be forced to live forever at a nunnery, or face death. After hearing Lysander and Demetrius's stories and seeing that Demetrius truly did not love Hermia anymore, having eyes only for Helena, Theseus decided that their story was legitimate and decided that the couples could be married to their respective lovers with him and Hippolyta on their wedding day. Theseus probably thought, "Why hold love apart?", him himself having captured the woman he fell in love with so that they could be together forever.
2. How do most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking? Which character is changed permanently by the dream experience?
Most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking up similarily. They all believe that they have just had a dream in which everything they had previously went through when the love-juice was involved was just a wild and exciting dream. Demetrius is the only charcater who was permanently changed by the dream experience- he loved Hermia, but thanks to the love-juice, he now loves Helena forevermore.
3. In this act, several characters look back at prior infatuations with disbelief. What do you think Shakespeare is saying about love and infatuation?
I believe that Shakespeare is trying to demonstrate for the audience/reader how love functions. There is no 'way' of love and it is impossible to understand. It is something that will always be one of the biggest and unsolved mysteries of mankind. In this play, Shakespeare demonstrates that love can change at a blink of an eye with no reason at all expect that the infatuation of the person had changed.
4. The fourth act opens and ends with Bottom at center stage. What is your opinion of Bottom's character? How might he be antithesis, or opposite, of Theseus's character?
Bottom is a character you love to hate. The audience/reader loves to see and read his arrogance and confidence, but hates his arrogance and confidence all the same. Bottom is antithesis of Theseus's character because he always puts himself first and he believes that he is on level with the gods. Also, tells everyone that he is the best actor of the actors assembled, though it is true, he should not need to advertise it, and in doing so, he is also percieved as conceited. The difference with Theseus is that he knows he is a god and doesn't need to advertise it to evveryone.
5. Should the rude mechanicals putting on the play be happy that Nick Bottom has returned or not?
The rude mechanicals putting on the play should not be overjoyed that Bottom has returned. This is because Bottom is cocky and lets everyone know how good he is at everything and eventually it gets old and tiring. Also, Bottom may be the best of the actors assembled to put the play on, however, he is overly dramatic and seems very asinine and if the actors want to win the competition they should keep Bottom out of it.
Act IV Scenes I and II

After Class Review
I feel like Oberon and Titania's relationship is not trustful AT ALL. I like the fact that when they all wake-up, they think it to be nothing more thatn a dream, playing off the drama's title. Bottom really is annoying and tries much too hard to be liked by Titania. It seems though, that when Titania wakes up with the antidote having been put on her eyes, her and Oberon seem to share a new fondness for each other. When Theseus finds Hermia, Helena, Lysander, and Demetrius he is surprised that they are all civil and how Lysander and Demetrius's situation played out. He surprisingly accepts it and wants them to get married with him and Hippolyta.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Act III Artistic Rendering

This image is significant to A Midsummer Night's Dream in a few different ways. This can be significant because Demetrius loves Hermia, and Egeus wants Hermia to marry Demetrius, but Hermia does not want to take him as her husband. It could also be significant because, after the love juice is placed on his eyes, Lysander wakes up to see Helena first and immediately loves her, and she does not love him back. Hermia is heart broken to realize this and immediately thinks Helena stole her love from her.
Act III Real Life Connections

1. Rancocas Valley vs. Northern Burlington County
RV and NBC are known rivals when it comes to sports because both school's athlete's skill levels are so close to each other, no one ever knows who is going to win. Recently, the girl's lacrosse team beat NBC after losing 11 consecutive game to them, the two last year having gone into overtime where NBC scored the winning goal in both games. This is similar to Helena and Hermia because as soon as Lysander shunned Hermia, she and Helena became enemies for the time being. Both girls were described as beautiful in their own way and it was always changing who had the love of who throughout the play, just as the records of these two schools are always changing, as to what sport is winning to the rival school and which one is losing.
2. Edward Cullen and Jacob Black from the popular Twilight book series is significant and similar to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream because Edward and Jacob are rivals, fighting for a common thing: the love of main character Bella Swan. They both have an intense love for the same girl, much as Demetrius and Lysander do for Helena after having the love-juice placed upon their eyes and waking up to see her first. Neither of these girls know what to do- Bella, because she shares a love for both of them, but in different ways, and Helena, because she is used to being shunned, and remembers when Demetrius once loved her and longs for those days again, but becomes bewildered with all the attention she is now receiving from both men.
Act III Quotes
1. "What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?... On the first view, to say, to swear, I love thee" -Titania to Bottom (Scene 1, lines 125, 138)
This quote is significant because here, Titania admits her falsified love of Bottom, which just insures Oberon that plan is going work and he will be the master of the Indian boy.
2. "What hast thou done? Thou has mistaken quite / And laid the love-juice on some true-love's sight. / Of thy misprision must perforce ensue / Some true-love turned, and not a false turned true." -Oberon to Puck (Scene 2, lines 89-92)
This quote is significant, because this is where Oberon sees that Puck messed up with the love potion and the audience or reader of the play knows that Oberon will make Puck fix what he did, but leaves them wondering how exactly he will do it, promising them more laughs, because where ever Puck is involved, the reader/ audience is guaranteed some form of comical entertainment.
This quote is significant because here, Titania admits her falsified love of Bottom, which just insures Oberon that plan is going work and he will be the master of the Indian boy.
2. "What hast thou done? Thou has mistaken quite / And laid the love-juice on some true-love's sight. / Of thy misprision must perforce ensue / Some true-love turned, and not a false turned true." -Oberon to Puck (Scene 2, lines 89-92)
This quote is significant, because this is where Oberon sees that Puck messed up with the love potion and the audience or reader of the play knows that Oberon will make Puck fix what he did, but leaves them wondering how exactly he will do it, promising them more laughs, because where ever Puck is involved, the reader/ audience is guaranteed some form of comical entertainment.
Act III Vocab
bequeath: v. to leave to or pass on to, as in a will (Scene 2, line 168)
He accumulated an immense fortune and bequeathed a good estate to each of his sons.
sojoun: v. to stay somewhere for a while (Scene 2, line 173)
During my sojourn in Paris, I had many experiences, one that was not so pleasant was eating snails- a Parisian delicacy.
derision: n. scorn (Scene 2, line 387)
The governor, who resigned amid a tax evasion scandal was greeted with shouts of derision from the crowd.
chide: v. to scold (Scene 2, line 45)
My mother always used to chide me for making a fuss about taking my medicine.
recompense: n. payment (Scene 2, line 183)
The company offered recompense if there was anything wrong with their product.
He accumulated an immense fortune and bequeathed a good estate to each of his sons.
sojoun: v. to stay somewhere for a while (Scene 2, line 173)
During my sojourn in Paris, I had many experiences, one that was not so pleasant was eating snails- a Parisian delicacy.
derision: n. scorn (Scene 2, line 387)
The governor, who resigned amid a tax evasion scandal was greeted with shouts of derision from the crowd.
chide: v. to scold (Scene 2, line 45)
My mother always used to chide me for making a fuss about taking my medicine.
recompense: n. payment (Scene 2, line 183)
The company offered recompense if there was anything wrong with their product.
Act III Questions
1. What part of her appearance does Hermia believe Helena exploited to make Lysander fall out of love with her?
Hermia believes that Helena makes Lysander fall out of love with her by telling him that she is short and therefore not worthy of his love. Since Hermia and Helena are opposites of each other: Helena being tall and light featured, and Hermia being short and dark featured- Hermia beleives Helena of saying these things to Lysander to show him that she is the only one worthy of his affections.
2. Think of characters from television or the movies who are tricksters like Puck. Why might audiences enjoy watching the antics of such characters?
Audiences enjoy watching characters like Puck because they always lighten up the mood and make things more enjoyable through comical means. Puck's pranks and hijinks are gauranteed to make the audience/reader laugh and all in all make the comedy more enjoyable for all.
3. In act 3, what emotion does Oberon show he is capable of? How does he show this?
In act 3, Oberon shows that he is capable of the emotions of compassion and empathy. He shows this by trying to set things right amonst the mortals so that all of them could have their rightful and desired loves. He makes Puck fix his error and in doing so, he shows the readers/audience that he is very empathetic, especially of Helena who once had her love, but lost him to her best friend, Hermia. He understands her plight and tries to help her in any way he can, and that just happens to be by charming her love's eyes, and when Puck messes his plan up and both Demetrius and Lysander love her, instead of just leaving the whole mess alone, Oberon tells Puck to fix it so that she can actually have her love as planned, leaving the reader/audience to believe that maybe Oberon wishes this was the way his love life were too: that someone could help him out and that he would have eternal and undying love instead of the untrusting relationship him and Titania share.
4.What causes Helena to become angry with Hermia? Why does Helena refuse to believe her friend and her would-be lovers?
Helena becomes angry with Hermia because suddenly both Demetrius and Lysander love her, and she believes it to be a cruel prank conducted by Hermia to make her feel even worse about herself, and for Hermia to gloat how both men love her. Helena refuses to believe her best friend and would be lovers. She does this because she is used to being the pursuee, not the object of pursuit. She is prone to rejection and is not used to recieving love and much less the love of two men, so naturally, she does not know how to handle herself or this new attention.
5. Do you think Oberon's choice was justified in getting the changeling boy?
Hermia believes that Helena makes Lysander fall out of love with her by telling him that she is short and therefore not worthy of his love. Since Hermia and Helena are opposites of each other: Helena being tall and light featured, and Hermia being short and dark featured- Hermia beleives Helena of saying these things to Lysander to show him that she is the only one worthy of his affections.
2. Think of characters from television or the movies who are tricksters like Puck. Why might audiences enjoy watching the antics of such characters?
Audiences enjoy watching characters like Puck because they always lighten up the mood and make things more enjoyable through comical means. Puck's pranks and hijinks are gauranteed to make the audience/reader laugh and all in all make the comedy more enjoyable for all.
3. In act 3, what emotion does Oberon show he is capable of? How does he show this?
In act 3, Oberon shows that he is capable of the emotions of compassion and empathy. He shows this by trying to set things right amonst the mortals so that all of them could have their rightful and desired loves. He makes Puck fix his error and in doing so, he shows the readers/audience that he is very empathetic, especially of Helena who once had her love, but lost him to her best friend, Hermia. He understands her plight and tries to help her in any way he can, and that just happens to be by charming her love's eyes, and when Puck messes his plan up and both Demetrius and Lysander love her, instead of just leaving the whole mess alone, Oberon tells Puck to fix it so that she can actually have her love as planned, leaving the reader/audience to believe that maybe Oberon wishes this was the way his love life were too: that someone could help him out and that he would have eternal and undying love instead of the untrusting relationship him and Titania share.
4.What causes Helena to become angry with Hermia? Why does Helena refuse to believe her friend and her would-be lovers?
Helena becomes angry with Hermia because suddenly both Demetrius and Lysander love her, and she believes it to be a cruel prank conducted by Hermia to make her feel even worse about herself, and for Hermia to gloat how both men love her. Helena refuses to believe her best friend and would be lovers. She does this because she is used to being the pursuee, not the object of pursuit. She is prone to rejection and is not used to recieving love and much less the love of two men, so naturally, she does not know how to handle herself or this new attention.
5. Do you think Oberon's choice was justified in getting the changeling boy?
Oberon's choice was not justified, because he should not have tricked his wife into loving an ass to acquire the changeling boy. If he truly loved Titania, he would have understood and respected her reasonings for wanting the boy. Even if he still wanted him, Oberon should have reapproached her and asked her instead of messing with her affections.
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