This picture of a dreaming girl is significant to the play from a couple different perspectives. What goes on in our subconscious when we are dreaming or day dreaming is based off of what has happened during our day or recently when we were conscience. Dreams are said to be a way to replay for us what happened in consciousness, but often times they have an unrealness to them. Most of the time, we don't even remember what we dream of, but when we do, it tends to be something that sticks with you, if not forever, then for quite a while. This is similar to A Midsummer Night's Dream because in the play, all the characters who get the love-juice placed on their eyes are magically transformed, not only in their affections, but also in their mannerisms. When they wake up after having the antidote placed on their eyes, they think of their actions as nothing but a dream. Titania remembered her actions with Bottom, but Lysander and Demetrius's memories were slightly clouded when it came to what happened in the woods after the love-juice was placed on their eyes. This is just an example of how the effects of dreams work on different people.
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