Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Act III Real Life Connections

1. Rancocas Valley vs. Northern Burlington County

RV and NBC are known rivals when it comes to sports because both school's athlete's skill levels are so close to each other, no one ever knows who is going to win. Recently, the girl's lacrosse team beat NBC after losing 11 consecutive game to them, the two last year having gone into overtime where NBC scored the winning goal in both games. This is similar to Helena and Hermia because as soon as Lysander shunned Hermia, she and Helena became enemies for the time being. Both girls were described as beautiful in their own way and it was always changing who had the love of who throughout the play, just as the records of these two schools are always changing, as to what sport is winning to the rival school and which one is losing.

2. Edward Cullen and Jacob Black from the popular Twilight book series is significant and similar to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream because Edward and Jacob are rivals, fighting for a common thing: the love of main character Bella Swan. They both have an intense love for the same girl, much as Demetrius and Lysander do for Helena after having the love-juice placed upon their eyes and waking up to see her first. Neither of these girls know what to do- Bella, because she shares a love for both of them, but in different ways, and Helena, because she is used to being shunned, and remembers when Demetrius once loved her and longs for those days again, but becomes bewildered with all the attention she is now receiving from both men.

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